The following DJs listed on this page are Residents at Bliss. These DJs have been with us for a long time, grown with us, vibed with us, provided many memes, and we just love them. You'll see them at Bliss on a regular basis, as they receive priority bookings over other DJs.
Stares and meows. Yes yes
Is actually a leopard
Warning: Do not mistake for a raccoon or hedgehog. May result in biting
Sami Saevus
This bun will blast your ears without mercy.
You like Techno? Good. Drop in for a listen and you won't be disappointed!
Drums & Marbles Addict
Probably on his knees
Lives in Room 10 (Unofficially)
Resident Pet
Kari Kohaku
This cat provides the beep boops, music to get yo' body movin
Might be a duck.. Or just really likes them.
~ A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand, Hey! (Bum bum bum) Got any grapes?